Taking Care of Your Bone and Joint Health

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Did you know that bone and joint conditions are the most common cause of physical disability and severe long-term pain? October 12-20 is Bone and Joint Health National Action Week, so we wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the importance of bone and joint health in your feet!

Your foot has over 50 bones and joints!

There are 26 bones and 33 joints in each foot, which work alongside tissues and ligaments to help you walk, jump, run, and move throughout your day. While some joints move a little, other joints move a lot. So when any of these areas become injured, it can negatively impact your whole foot health.

Common bone and joint conditions

The most common conditions that affect the bones and joints of the feet include:

  • Arthritis - Arthritis is a condition where the cartilage and lining of the joints become inflamed, leading to pain, stiffness, and swelling. It affects 1 in 5 people in the U.S., and is most commonly seen in older people. While there is no cure, there are many ways to address arthritis, which includes medication, custom orthotics, physical therapy, and exercise. 

  • Osteoporosis - Osteoporosis is a condition that is seen in 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 5 men which causes bones to become weak and prone to fractures. Falls, bumps, and even sneezes can lead to osteoporotic fractures that can lead to severe pain and disability. If you are 60 years or older, and have experienced bone fractures or take medication that can affect your bone health, you may be at greater risk for developing osteoporosis.  

Caring for your Bone and Joint Health

How can you take care of your bone and joints so that they can be the healthiest they can be? 

  1. Exercise - Exercising regularly, including weight-bearing exercises, is an important way to ensure that your muscles, joints, and bones remain strong and flexible.

  2. Eating well - They say you are what you eat, so eating foods that are high in calcium, protein, vitamin D, and collagen can support your bone and joint health.

  3. Assess your risk - Did your parents have hip fractures? Are you older than 60? There are numerous things that can increase your risk for developing bone and joint conditions, so be sure to consult with your doctor.

  4. Custom orthotics - Easing pain and maintaining comfort becomes an important part of taking care of your feet. Creating custom orthotics is the best way to ensure the proper support for your unique feet.

We can help!

At Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, we know about the important role our bones and joints play in our daily lives and know the importance of keeping your feet healthy. That’s why our podiatrists perform diagnostic testing, take medical history, create orthotics, and treat your foot pain to optimize your foot health. Have questions or want to schedule an appointment? Then contact our Los Angeles, Torrance, or San Pedro, CA office today!