Planning a Hike? Read These Safety Tips First


In California where the landscape and weather is amazing year round, hiking is a popular activity. Not only is it fun and can be done with your family and friends, but it is also great for your health! Although there isn’t much you need to go hiking, you should review these safety tips before you go.

Prepare for your hike

Are you going for a quick day hike or are you planning an extended camping trip with opportunities to hike? Depending on the type of hiking you plan to do, the list of things you need will differ greatly. Remember to bring enough water, food, and extra supplies for emergencies. Also, be sure to let someone know where you will be!

Invite a friend

Hiking can be a fun activity to do by yourself, but it is best to go with someone, especially if you are a novice hiker. Sharing the experience with someone can make it even more special, and be a great distraction from the physical exertion!

Know your route

The last thing you want to do on a hike is get lost. Cell reception can be unreliable out in nature, so have a map with you to refer to, and plan your hike so you know how long you will be on the trail. 

Check the weather

While it’s usually sunny in California, it’s always a good idea to check the forecast before you head out. Heavy rains or fires can make certain trails inaccessible or dangerous to be on, so it can help you be more prepared.   

Protect your feet

Hiking means lots of walking, so make sure that you protect your feet to minimize blisters and other injuries. Wear moisture-wicking socks, comfortable and supportive shoes, and bring along a first aid kit in case you start to develop a blister. Want extra support? Ask our podiatrists about getting custom orthotics.   

Your foot health is a crucial part of making your hiking experience a pleasant one, so be sure that it is in good shape before you start. Consult with our expert podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers to discuss any concerns or foot and ankle issues you have. From heel painarthritistoenail issues and injury prevention, our board-certified foot care specialists can help address your podiatric problems and keep your feet healthy! Contact any of our offices in Los Angeles, Torrance, or San Pedro, CA to schedule an appointment today!