Help Your Child Avoid Aches and Pains Caused by Pediatric Flatfoot

As parents, we want our children to remain healthy and happy. But when they are in pain, it is our duty to find the best ways to help eliminate their discomfort. While many toddlers grow out of flatfeet, it is important to pay close attention to your child’s feet in order to ensure their feet are properly developing before pain begins.

Help Your Child Avoid Aches and Pains Caused by Pediatric Flatfoot

Pediatric flatfoot can be classified as symptomatic or asymptomatic, and are quite common—usually nonsurgical. Symptomatic flatfeet exhibit symptoms such as pain and limitation of activity, while asymptomatic flatfeet show no symptoms at all. These classifications can help your podiatrist in San Pedro in determining an appropriate treatment plan for your child.

Flatfoot can be apparent at birth or it can show up years later. Most children with flatfoot have no symptoms, but some have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain, tenderness, or cramping in the foot, leg and knee

  • Outward tilting of the heel

  • Awkwardness or changes in walking

  • Difficulty wearing shoes

  • Reduced energy

  • Voluntary withdrawal from physical activities

Your San Pedro podiatrist diagnoses your child’s flatfoot by examining the foot and observing how it looks when he or she stands and sits. Your podiatrist will observe how your child walks and will evaluate the range of motion of the foot. Since flatfoot can sometimes be related to problems in the leg, your podiatrist may also examine the knee and hip. X-rays may be used to determine the severity of the deformity, with additional imaging and tests needed for further diagnosis.

Visit Precision Foot and Ankle Centers for further diagnosis and treatment options for your child’s flatfoot condition. It is important to find relief for your child’s pain so that he or she can enjoy daily activities.