Walk Into 2021 for Healthy Feet


Wow, what a year it has been! Chances are, you are ready to walk out of 2020 and into a new year. Turns out, walking is the perfect way to do it and all of our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers encourage it! 

With restrictions to use of facilities for physical activities due to COVID-19, the outdoors has been a popular location for exercise. There are many benefits to incorporate more walking into your daily routine:

  • It's accessible - All you need is a good, comfortable pair of walking shoes to start, so the barrier to entry is very low compared to other activities. You are more likely to pick something up when you already have what you need!

  • It's low impact - Many people, especially those who have arthritis or chronic conditions that limit intense workouts and activities, can easily incorporate walking into their routine. Having custom orthotics made by our podiatrists can improve your comfort too!

  • It can help manage your weight - If that's on your list of New Year's resolutions, power walking or walking on an incline machine can help burn fat and calories. That can improve your foot health dramatically!

  • It can help reduce stress - Most people felt a good deal of anxiety throughout 2020. Walking is proven to help cut the effects of stress and improve your mood.

  • It helps your feet - Walking regularly can strengthen the bones and muscles in your feet and ankles and increase flexibility and stability.

  • Reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease - Exercising gets your blood pumping and helps your heart remain young and fit.

Assess your foot health

If 2021 is your first year getting out and active, it's a good idea to check in with your doctor to make sure you're physically fit. Here are some other good guidelines to follow before you start your stride:

  • Warm up before you walk

  • Cool down with a nice stretch after each walk

  • Always wear comfortable, supportive shoes

  • Start out slow, but gradually up your speed and distance to challenge yourself

  • Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated

  • Keep an exercise journal to track your progress

  • Check your feet afterwards for any pain, blisters, or other issues

Get help from our podiatrists

If you're starting a new walking routine or any other exercise regimen and you notice any pain or difficulty, our board-certified podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers can properly assess any issues in your feet or ankles. Dr. Eric M. Feit and his team are committed to helping resolve your concerns and are there every step of the way towards better foot health! Make an appointment today at our conveniently located offices in Los Angeles, San Pedro, and Torrance, CA.