6 Ways to Step Up Your Foot Health in 2021


As 2020 finally comes to a close, you may be looking ahead to the new year. A year full of hopes and goals for better days, especially with regards to your health. One aspect of your health that is often neglected is your foot health, despite the fact that your feet literally support you and get you through each day of your year.

So as we step into 2021, let's also step up your foot care in these ways:

  1. Buy a new pair of shoes - A great way to start the year is with a fresh pair of shoes! Maybe you can use that gift card or holiday cash to get shoes that are comfortable, supportive, and durable. If you're going for heels, always opt for lower and wider ones.

  2. Get custom orthotics - One effective way to improve your foot health is to get a pair of custom orthotics that are specifically made to fit your unique feet. They can help to minimize any existing pain and discomfort, and prevent bigger foot problems. 

  3. Keep moving - While a lot of 2020 may have been sedentary or spent away from your usual physical routines, the new year will likely bring more opportunities to rejoin your favorite activities or even start new ones. The important thing is to keep your feet moving to keep up your strength, circulation, and stamina, whether it's through walking or an intense workout.

  4. Practice good hygiene - This may seem basic, but practicing good foot hygiene is an important part of maintaining your foot health. For starters, make sure to thoroughly dry your feet after washing, apply moisturizer to dry areas, and properly trim your nails. 

  5. Don't ignore problems - Many foot and ankle problems start as small injuries or annoyances that become bigger problems that take longer to heal. Addressing any issues early on with a podiatrist will be one of the best things you can do for your feet!

  6. Keep up with appointments - Whether it's with your primary care physician, a specialist or our podiatrists, scheduling and keeping up with your appointments is important for your overall health. These regular visits are especially important to prevent serious complications if you have underlying chronic conditions like diabetes

We are here to support you

No one is more committed to your foot health than our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle CentersDr. Eric M. Feit and his team are here every step of the way to make sure your foot and ankle needs are addressed and met. From acute injuriesnail issues, to complex surgeries, we treat every condition with careful and dedicated care. End the year on a positive note by scheduling your next podiatry appointment with us. Contact our offices in Los Angeles, San Pedro, or Torrance, CA today!