Struggling with Ingrown Toenails? We Can Help

Have ingrown toenails become a regular occurrence in your life? Dr. Eric Feit and associates at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers offer effective treatments for ingrown toenails and other conditions that affect the feet and ankles. They have office locations in Torrance, San Pedro, and Downtown Los Angeles.

Who gets ingrown toenails?

  • Anyone can get an ingrown toenail, but the condition is more likely to occur if:

  • You round the edges of your toenails. Rounding makes it easier for the edge of the nail to grow into the skin surrounding it.

  • Your shoes or socks are too tight. Tight shoes or socks can force the nail to grow into your skin.

  • You injured your toe. Ingrown toenails can occur due to trauma to the nail, such as dropping a heavy can on your foot or stubbing your toe.

  • You have toenail fungus. Toenail fungus may thicken your nail, increasing your risk of an ingrown toenail.

  • Your toenails are curved. Avoiding ingrown nails can be difficult if your nails naturally curve downward.

Can I treat ingrown toenails at home?

Ingrown toenails can be successfully treated at home in some cases. If the edge of the nail has just begun to cause discomfort, you may be able to free it by soaking your foot in warm water for 10 or 15 minutes. After you soak your foot, place dental floss or a small amount of cotton under the edge of the nail to gently lift it out of the skin.

When should I see a foot doctor?

  • Make an appointment with your podiatrist if you can't free the nail easily, you have diabetes, or your toe is infected. Signs of infection include:

  • Swollen, red, tender skin around the nail

  • Pus or drainage

  • Bleeding

  • Foul odor

  • Build up of skin over the nail

Your foot doctor can remove the trapped portion of the nail during a minor, in-office procedure. If you experience ingrown toenails often, removal of the entire nail may be helpful.

End your ingrown toenail pain with a visit to the podiatrist. Schedule an appointment with the foot doctors at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers.