How to Treat Ingrown Toenails


We often put great care into how our fingernails look, but what about our toenails? When toenails get neglected, problems can creep up and cause uncomfortable and painful conditions. One of the most common conditions we see here at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers is ingrown toenails.

What is an ingrown toenail?

An ingrown toenail develops when the edge of a big toenail grows and cuts into the adjacent flesh. This abnormal nail growth can cause swelling, pain, redness, and lead to infection if not properly treated. 

The following are 5 common causes of ingrown toenails

  1. Cutting nails in a curved manner instead of straight across

  2. Excessive pressure on the toenail from tight-fitting shoes

  3. Cutting nails too short

  4. Poor foot hygiene

  5. Trauma to the nail

How is it treated?

While you may not think toenails require attention from a podiatrist, home remedies can often go awry and cause infection. This is especially true if you have diabetes or circulatory issues, so seek help from podiatrists if you start experiencing an ingrown toenail. 

Common treatments involve:

  • Thoroughly cleaning the area 

  • Taking medications to address infections

  • Surgically removing part of the nail

  • For chronic issues: Surgically removing part the root of the nail

Our podiatrists can help!

The most effective way to avoid ingrown toenails is through prevention! Practice healthy foot hygiene, avoid tight-fitting shoes, and cut your nails properly. However, if you develop an ingrown toenail, schedule an appointment with our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers! From common nail issues like nail fungus and ingrown toenails, to advanced surgical procedures and therapies, we provide high-quality podiatric care to all of our patients in the LA County area. Have foot or ankle issues? Contact our Los Angeles, Torrance, or San Pedro offices today!