Footwear Can Affect Your Whole Body Health


An average person walks about 150,000 miles in their life. That’s basically walking around the entire globe six times over. So, it seems like you’d want to take the utmost care of the body parts that carry you that distance! When was the last time you truly thought about the health of your feet and how it affects your overall physical and mental health?

Open any magazine or newspaper and you’ll see lots of advertisements about blood pressure health or managing cholesterol levels or the importance of eating healthy, but have you noticed that you rarely see targeted advice on foot health? Your foot has 26 bones and 33 joints which all work together to provide balance and move you around. Start thinking of shoes as your first line of defense against wear and tear on this important body part! 

So what is the right footwear?

The right shoe can help you maintain balance and posture, prevent falls, and protect your feet. They can also stave off issues like plantar fasciitisbunions, calluses, and more. So how do we buy the right shoes to achieve all this? 

To get the right shoes, you must look at your lifestyle – are you active? Do you work on your feet often? If you exercise regularly or engage in a sport more than a few times a week, you should purchase shoes for that activity.  

Even if you’re not an athlete, good footwear is important. The perfect shoe will have the following characteristics: 

  • Feels comfortable for daily wear  

  • Has enough room to move your toes  

  • Has good arch support 

If you can bend a shoe with your hands easily, then it might not have enough support. It’s important to try on shoes before you purchase them and if they’re uncomfortable in the store – it likely means they will stay uncomfortable and could cause foot damage. You can not “break in” a shoe. It’s also a good idea to replace shoes regularly. If the middle of the shoe shows damage, then it’s likely time to head to the shoe store! 

What if you need a little extra support?

If you’re suffering from chronic issues like plantar fasciitis, flat feet, high arches, or any other issue, then custom orthotics might be a good addition to your great footwear. If you can’t get orthotics, try a podiatry-approved shoe insert for some extra support. Talk to one of our board-certified podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers to get the best options! Contact any of our locations in Los Angeles, Torrance, or San Pedro to schedule an appointment today!