For Diabetics, Foot Care is Key

November is coming up and it’s American Diabetes Month, which is a great time to discuss how to combat this disease. If you’re one of our patients with diabetes, then you likely know how important foot care is. Since diabetes can cause issues like peripheral nerve damage, you can lose feeling in your feet and not even notice a cut or abrasion. That, paired with a reduced blood flow impairing your immune system, will make injuries take longer to heal. A wound even the size of a small blister could lead to serious infection and eventually an ulcer. That alone could lead to a foot amputation! These are just a few reasons why it is very important to take care of your feet if you have been diagnosed with diabetes.


To help you, we put together these guidelines to help avoid significant problems:

  • Check your feet daily. Look for any cuts, swelling, blisters, or discoloration. Check between your toes and in any other cracks or crevices. Use a mirror or ask a friend or partner to check the bottom of your feet.

  • Wash your feet regularly. Make sure the water isn’t too hot since you can burn your feet easily if you’ve lost feeling in them. Using a soft washcloth and mild soap, gently clean your feet. Afterwards, pat them dry. Make sure you dry between the toes to avoid fungal infections.

  • Cut toenails properly. To avoid ingrown toenails, which can turn into an infected cut quickly, trim your toenails straight across and about even with the nail bed.

  • Moisturize. Slather your feet with moisturizer daily. Avoid the areas between your toes to keep them dry and not attract fungus.

  • Wear clean, dry socks. Special socks that wick away moisture help keep your feet dry. If you have naturally sweaty feet, bring an extra pair of socks to change into in the middle of the day.

  • Ask about diabetic footwear. There are specialized shoes or orthotic inserts that are customized to help keep your feet in good health. These items are typically covered by medical insurance.

  • Keep up with your podiatrist. Regular podiatric checkups are a must if you have diabetes. Your podiatrist can help look for any problems, diagnose issues you might be experiencing, and help develop a comprehensive treatment plan for caring for your feet.


At Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, we have a dedicated team of board-certified podiatrists who can help you prevent and manage your diabetic foot problems. Since any small injury has the potential to become a serious one, our foot doctors understand the importance of keeping up with your foot care. If you need a podiatrist you can trust with your diabetic foot care, reach out to our office! Dr. Eric Feit, Dr. Alona Kashanian, and Dr. Roohbakhsh Maher are here to help!


Book an appointment today at any of our offices in Los Angeles, Torrance, or San Pedro.