6 Podiatry Tips for Running Outside

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Are you thinking about moving your exercise to the safer outdoors? Want to incorporate a healthy habit into your day? If you are a newbie runner, it can feel overwhelming to start, but these podiatrist-recommended tips can help you overcome the initial challenges of running outdoors while preventing common injuries!

1. Start off slow

Whether you’ve been running on treadmills or running for the first time, the mistake many people make is to do too much too soon. Start with a fast walk to get your heart used to the new routine, and slowly increase your pace as the weeks go on. 

2. Plan your runs

Have a route planned out before you head out so that you can track your progress and not get overtired. Start off with shorter routes, and slowly increase as you become more comfortable. It’ll be easier to invite a friend too if you know where you’re going!

3. Pick your surface

The repetitive motion of running can be tough on your feet, especially if you’re always running on hard surfaces. Take advantage of natural trails for a softer landing and for nice scenery. Just be cognizant of uneven surfaces and slick rocks!

4. Dress appropriately

California spring weather is beautiful as always, but be prepared for chillier days by layering. If you’re running in an area that is close to traffic, be sure to wear bright colors so you are clearly visible!

5. Warm up and cool down

An important part of injury prevention is to ease your body into exercise with an appropriate warm up. Take the time to stretch your legs and body to get your blood pumping, and don’t forget to give your body time at the end to cool down. Don’t forget to stay hydrated too. 

6. Make it fun - When you make exercise fun, you can increase your chances of keeping it up. Invite a friend or two to come along to make it more easy and enjoyable, and you will benefit from keeping each other accountable. Plus, the outdoors is an ideal place to catch up with friends you haven’t been able to see as much over the past year!

We can help!

If you are worried about starting a new running routine or want additional ways to prevent foot and ankle injuries, talk to our expert podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers in LA County. Dr. Eric M. Feit and his team use advanced tools to assess your foot health and can help prepare you with custom orthotics and recommended footwear. If you experience any pain or discomfort along the way from injuries, tendinitis, or plantar fasciitiscontact any of our offices in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro, CA to schedule an appointment!