5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Toddler Shoes

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When your baby takes the first steps, it is a momentous occasion. It might also spark the desire to buy all of the adorable shoes you see for your now toddler! But in the first years of a child’s life, their feet grow and change shape quickly as they become more mobile, so there are many important things to consider when buying their first shoes. With so many cute options to choose from, it might feel overwhelming!

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when buying your child’s shoes!

  1. Buying second hand - It’s tempting to think, “they outgrow their shoes so fast, why not buy second hand?” but any shoes that have been previously worn have been shaped by the child’s unique feet, so it’s always best to purchase brand new shoes.

  2. Guessing sizes - It can be challenging to bring a toddler to a store for shoe shopping, especially during a pandemic, but getting both of their feet fitted is important for ensuring a proper fit. Some companies have printable shoe charts that you can use to measure their feet, which can be helpful to determine beforehand if your toddler needs the next size up! Also, always keep the original boxes and receipts so you can exchange them if the shoe does not fit well.

  3. Buying adult styles - Sure, baby flip flops and leather booties are adorable, but they do not provide the comfort or support that toddler’s feet need for proper development. A lightweight shoe that offers flexibility and support and also offers protection for the entire foot is recommended.

  4. Buying bigger sizes - Children’s feet grow quickly, so it can be tempting to buy bigger sizes, but a shoe that doesn’t fit just right can lead to tripping, falling, and abnormal foot development. Their toes should have a finger’s width of wiggle room, but the heel should be snug enough that it doesn’t slip out.

  5. Choosing stiff shoes - It’s important to allow toddlers to develop the proper muscles to  walk and run with confidence, so avoid buying clunky shoes with stiff soles that do not allow for traction and flexibility. 

We’re here for your children too!

Since children are not always able to tell you when their feet hurt, it’s important to observe their developing feet and gait, and recheck their shoe sizes every few months. If you have concerns about your child’s foot health, contact Precision Foot and Ankle Centers to have our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Eric M. Feit and his team complete an evaluation. From babies to seniors, we are committed to compassionate, high quality foot care! Contact us at any of our offices in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro, CA to schedule an appointment today!