5 Common Foot and Ankle Injuries for Runners

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At Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, we see a wide range of injuries in people who regularly engage in athletic activities. One of the most common groups of people who encounter foot and ankle injuries are runners. It makes sense, right? When you run, your feet endure a lot of pressure and stress. 

It's important to keep these common foot and ankle injuries in mind if you are running so you can keep them healthy:

  1. Achilles Tendinitis - Achilles tendinitis occurs when the repetitive pushing off motion of running leads to pain and inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which is the large tendon on the back of your heel. Always remember to stretch and avoid overuse to prevent injury.

  2. Sprains - Sprains occur when the ligaments on either side of the ankle bone become overstretched or torn, causing swelling, pain, and bruising. Follow the RICE protocol (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) and see our board-certified podiatrists to assess the injury.

  3. Plantar Fasciitis - The plantar fascia, a thick fibrous tissue that connects the heel to the ball of the foot, is a common area that becomes inflamed and irritated from running. The repeated stress most commonly leads to heel pain, especially when first getting up in the morning. Supporting your arches with custom orthotics is one way to prevent this common condition.

  4. Blisters - Hard working, sweaty feet can increase friction in the socks and lead to fluid-filled bubbles. Make sure you have properly-fitting shoes to avoid movement and wear moisture wicking socks.

  5. Neuroma - An inflamed, painful nerve is a common result of improperly fitted shoes or repeated stress on the forefoot. Custom orthotics and other therapies are common treatments recommended by our podiatrists.

Support your feet

The key to preventing these injuries is to provide proper support to your feet through good running shoes and orthotics, as well as ample stretching and strengthening of your feet and ankles. If you are thinking about incorporating exercise into your routine, or you encounter any of these problems, seek the expert podiatric advice of Dr. Eric M. Feit and his team of board-certified podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Care Centers. With 3 convenient locations in Los Angeles, San Pedro, and Torrance, CA, we provide a wide range of podiatric services to our patients. Contact us to make an appointment!