Why Do I Keep Reinjuring My Feet?

We use our feet daily to get where we need to go. Given how often they are pounding the pavement, it’s a wonder that they don’t get injured more often than they do! Some people, however, are more likely than others to experience recurring foot injuries.


What causes repeat injuries?

If you’re one of those people who always seems to be bouncing from recovery to injury again and in and out of doctor’s offices, you might be wondering, “why me!?”


Here are some common reasons that feet are reinjured:

You play sports

Athletes use their feet in amazing ways. Whether they’re on a soccer field or a basketball court, they are using their feet in new, impressive ways. It’s great as a spectator, but for those athletes, it leaves them prone to foot injuries. Sports like baseball and tennis that require quick starts and stops are particularly known for causing foot issues like ankle sprains and plantar fasciitis.


You’re a runner

Runners are their own brand of athletes, which leaves them open to a whole different brand of foot injuries. Runners are always training hard for that next big race - pushing themselves to go faster and further than before, which often results in our podiatrists seeing runners in our office who overdid it with training. Due to the repetitive movement and stress on the Achilles tendon, one common repeat injury we see with runners is Achilles tendonitis.


You’re a dancer

Just like runners and other athletes out on the field, dancers utilize their feet in new, inventive ways. They also use their entire foot, down to the very tips of their toes. Ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and any other dance styles require intricate and fast footwork that could easily cause an injury with a misstep or by overworking specific areas of the foot.


You’re wearing the wrong shoes

We see many repeat injuries in patients who choose fashion over function. High heels are a common culprit in this category! Fashionable heels often look good, but offer little in the way of ankle support, which increases the risk of sprained ankles. While not an injury, necessarily, heels also force the toes into an unnatural position, which can lead to bunions and other toe issues.


Get help from a podiatrist

If you’re dealing with a recurring foot issue or pain, it’s important to get it addressed early for treatment. Every time you reinjure your foot, there’s potential for more damage and lasting inflammation and pain. Our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers can help you determine and treat the root cause for your chronic injuries so that you can stay active and do the things you love without worrying about future injuries. Dr. Eric Feit, Dr. Alona Kashanian, and Dr. Roohbahksh Maher are board-certified podiatrists who are dedicated to improving the foot health of their patients using effective treatments and therapies. Book an appointment any any of our locations in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro today!