Want Better Foot Health? Kick These Habits to the Curb

As we approach the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year and think about how we can better our health and habits. It’s typical to think of big health goals, like exercising regularly, quitting smoking and drinking or losing weight, but have you considered your foot health? Our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Center want to remind you that kicking these habits to the curb can help you achieve better foot health!


Wearing the same shoes everyday

When you have a comfortable pair of shoes, it’s easy to keep wearing them day in and day out. However, as you may have noticed from that musky smell coming from them, your shoes can become a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and other unpleasant microorganisms, including ones that can cause fungal infections. Alternating pairs or rotating through multiple pairs of shoes is the best way to let your shoes air out and keep those infections at bay.


Stepping on the backs of shoes

We know the scenario all too well: You’re in a rush to get out of the door, and you slip on shoes and step on the back as you shuffle out the door. Or maybe you’re just getting the mail, or taking the dog out to pee. While it may be a momentary thing, the damage to your shoes are lasting. Repeatedly stepping on the back of your shoe can not only structurally change your shoes and impact their ability to keep your foot secure and supported in the shoe, but it can also lead to blisters and pain from rubbing against your heel.


Buying shoes that are too big

Parents are often guilty of buying shoes for their kids that they will “grow into,” which while may be true, is not great for their foot health. Buying shoes that are too big makes feet grip unnaturally to prevent slipping, and can lead to excessive rubbing that can lead to blisters and foot pain. Your gait can change too, making feet drag and consequently wearing down the outer soles of the shoes.


Not wearing socks with shoes

This is one that will inevitably lead to smelly shoes and feet! Socks not only help absorb sweat from your feet, but they can also help protect your feet from infections and from the seams and lining in the shoes. No matter what style your shoes are, if they are enclosed shoes, it’s important to wear socks! For people who sweat excessively in their feet (hyperhidrosis), it’s especially important that you wear and switch socks multiple times a day to prevent infections.


Are you guilty of any of these foot habits?

With just a little intention, it’s easy to kick these habits to the curb and improve your foot health! Get help from our board-certified podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers to end the year pain-free and start the year strong with healthy foot habits! Want to say leave foot pain and injuries in 2022? Then book an appointment with one of our podiatrists today! Contact any of our offices in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro, CA.