Raising Awareness for Bone and Joint Action Week and World Arthritis Day

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Do your joints hurt from arthritis? Has it become difficult to walk or perform daily activities? According to the World Health Organization, musculoskeletal conditions, which affect bone and joints, are the leading cause of chronic pain and physical disability worldwide. Each year on October 12th marks World Arthritis Day and also marks the start of Bone and Joint Action Week, which was created to raise awareness and educate people about current knowledge, self-management and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. With 1 in 4 Americans afflicted with this arthritis, it is an especially important one to talk about!

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints in the body. There are 4 main types:

  1. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and develops when the cartilage between bones break down and lead to stiffness, pain, and swelling. 

  2. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is caused by the body’s faulty immune system attacking the joints, which leads to swelling, pain, as well as low-appetite, extreme fatigue, and potential damage to internal organs.

  3. Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory form of arthritis that people with psoriasis can develop on their joints and lower back areas. It manifests as scaly red and white patches of skin.  

  4. Juvenile arthritis is an umbrella term for the many pediatric rheumatic diseases that affect children under 16, including Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Juvenile Lupus, and Fibromyalgia. They all cause joint pain and swelling but also have unique symptoms.

How do you treat arthritis?

The first step to treatment is to establish a supportive team of physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists to help you manage and care for your arthritis. Although there is no cure, many treatment methods to address pain and discomfort, as well as lifestyle changes can be helpful, including regular exercise, reducing alcohol and smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight. 

Our podiatrists can help!

For pain in your feet or ankles, consulting with a knowledgeable podiatrist can help you manage your arthritis and prevent further joint damage. Our podiatrists can help address changes in mobility and discomfort, and create custom orthotics to support your feet and ankles. 

Contact us!

Having stronger, healthier feet will greatly improve the quality of your life, so be proactive this Bone and Joint Action Week and contact our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle CentersDr. Eric M. Feit and the team of board-certified podiatrists have been helping patients all over Los Angeles County with offices conveniently located in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro, CA. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!