Prevent Injuries In a New Exercise Regimen

Any time of year is a great time to start a fresh exercise program! Exercising is great for your body and your mind, no matter what the reason you have for starting it. As with any new program, it’s important to make sure you start with safety on your mind. So no matter how you’re looking to get active and move your body, our podiatrists are here with some solid tips to get you started off on the right foot!


Follow these tips for success in a new exercise program:

  • Get checked up! - Before you start a new exercise routine or a new sport, you should make sure your body is prepared. If you have any pain in your body or if you have an already existing underlying health issue, check in with your health care professional to make sure you’re healthy enough to start.

  • Set goals wisely - Knowing your “why” is helpful to set smart goals. Are you wanting to have more day-to-day energy? Increase your strength? Train for a marathon? No matter what that goal is, it can be a huge motivator! It’s also important to define exactly what “exercise” is to you, but don’t pigeonhole yourself into goals that will set you up for disappointment. Walking is exercise, so is dancing, doing yard work, or climbing stairs. You don’t have to be on the floor exhausted just to make your exercise “count.”

  • Have a workout buddy - Having someone else on this journey is fun, but it also helps keep yourself accountable. If you don’t have someone willing to join you, look for a class or free group that gathers in your neighborhood. Rec centers often have great resources for weekly workout classes or groups. Having a routine that is fun can help you reach the goals you set.

  • Start slow and easy - Many people burn out because they feel great after the first couple sessions and push themselves too hard too fast. This method can not only make you miss your goals, it’s also a quick way to injure yourself! Take your time, stretch, warm up, and ramp up gradually. Keeping an exercise diary can help with this as well!

  • Check in with your podiatrist - A podiatrist is a valuable resource for your exercise journey. They can not only assess your overall foot health, but they can also help prevent and treat injuries should they arise. At Precision Foot and Ankle Center, our foot care specialists, Dr. Eric Feit, Dr. Alona Kashanian, and Dr. Roohbakhsh Maher provide high-quality podiatric care for a wide range of issues. From acute injuries to chronic conditions that require careful, regular care, our podiatrists are here to help your feet feel better!


Need an appointment?

Schedule an appointment at any of our locations in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro, CA. Contact us today!