On your feet all day? Then follow these footcare tips

If you have a job that requires being on your feet all day (like waitstaff, chefs, retail workers, teachers, just to name a few), chances are your feet feel tired, heavy, and swollen by the end of your work day. While our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers can’t take away what is required of your work, they can provide these footcare tips to help ease and prevent painful feet.


Invest in good shoes

If you spending most of your day on your feet, then your footwear should be an important consideration. Imagine having to stand in uncomfortable, tight shoes that rub and compress your feet every step. By the end of the day, your feet will mostly likely have blisters, swelling, and pain. To prevent this painful situation, ensure that your feet are supported with shoes that are the proper fit and that have ample arch support, cushioning, and shock absorption. If you need extra support in your arches (if you have flat feet or high arches), be sure to consult with a podiatrist about custom orthotics that you can insert in your shoes to enhance your comfort.


Take short, frequent breaks

While you may not have time to sit for an hour, you may be able to take shorter, frequent breaks to get off your feet. Have a chair or stool nearby to sit in when you have a few minutes when you don’t need to be helping customers.


Keep your blood flowing

One of the reasons for swollen feet is blood pooling in your feet as you stand for long periods. Be sure to keep your blood flowing by doing simple exercises or stretches, like circling your ankles, jogging in place, and stretching your calves. 


Pamper your feet

As soon as you are home, pamper your feet! Soaking your feet in epsom salt can help ease soreness and swelling. Spend time with your feet elevated and give yourself a foot rub!


Talk to a podiatrist

If foot pain persists, it’s important to consult with a foot care specialist who can give you tailored treatment and advice. Any pain that develops or lingers is a sign that there is a problem that needs addressing, so don’t wait to schedule an appointment!


Dr. Eric Feit, Dr. Alona Kashanian, and Dr. Roohnakksh Maher are expert podiatrists who provide compassionate, high-quality foot and ankle care. Whether you have an acute injury or a chronic condition that is causing you foot problems, our foot doctors can give you the treatment and guidance you deserve! Contact Precision Foot and Ankle Centers to schedule an appointment today.