Five Ways to Prevent Cracked Heels

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Winter is often short here in Los Angeles, but it can still come with its share of foot woes, including cracked heels. Cracked heels can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable and can make everyday acts like walking or putting on shoes almost unbearable. Luckily, this is one common foot ailment that can be avoided by proper preparation. 

What causes cracked heels?

Dry skin is the most common reason behind developing cracked heels. Cold weather can easily dry out your skin and make your heels vulnerable to crack. You can also get them from standing for long periods on hard surfaces or from wearing open-backed non supportive shoes like flip-flops. Patients with conditions like psoriasis or eczema are also prone to developing cracked heels and heel fissures. Often, athletes - especially swimmers - end up with cracked heels. 

How can I prevent cracked heels?

  1. Eat right for your feet - a balanced, healthy diet not only makes your skin look radiant, it also keeps it moisturized and healthy from the inside-out. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and zinc can help keep your heels from drying out.

  2. Hydrate - drink plenty of water to keep your body well hydrated. Dry skin is often a sure sign of dehydration.

  3. Moisturize - rub a moisturizing lotion on your heels twice every day, especially after stepping out of the bath or shower. To help lock in lotion, moisturize before bed, then slip on some socks.

  4. Exfoliate - once a week, use an exfoliating lotion on your skin to keep it smooth.

  5. Remove calluses - Use a pumice stone to rub off any calluses that might have built up on your feet. Avoid using a razor blade for this purpose, as it can open you up to infection! When in doubt, consult with one of our experienced podiatrists.

How can I stop a small crack from spreading?

If you notice a small crack starting to form on your heel, try this to prevent it from growing:

  1. Soak your feet in warm water (not too hot!)

  2. Dry them off very well

  3. Apply a thin layer or petroleum jelly or heavy-duty moisturizer and slip on a pair of cotton socks overnight

Need some help?

If you’re already dealing with cracked heels that aren’t healing, give us a call at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers! Our expert podiatrists, led by Dr. Eric M. Feit, can help with skin and nail issues, in addition to a wide range of other foot and ankle problems. Whether it’s heel painbunion surgery, a sports injury, or diabetic wound management, we are here to elevate your foot health! Contact us to set up an appointment with us today at any of our locations in Los Angeles, Torrance, or San Pedro, CA.