Common Treatments for Heel Pain

If each step seems more painful than the next due to heel pain, it could be time to come to our Torrance foot doctor office. Each day we see many patients living with heel pain that is highly treatable that can be relieved through at-home care and sometimes medical interventions.

The most common heel pain cause is plantar fasciitis. This condition occurs when the plantar fascia, or thick band at the bottom of your foot, becomes inflamed. Long hours on your feet, flat feet, highly arched feet and obesity are all contributing factors to plantar fasciitis. Heel PainOther heel pain causes include a pinched nerve, stress fracture, tendinitis and Achilles tendinitis.

Some signs you should seek medical treatment at our Torrance podiatrist’s office include if your heel pain is accompanied by foot tingling or numbness, pain that continues even at rest, severe swelling and an inability to rise on your foot.

Common Treatments for Heel Pain

If you experience heel pain that isn't foot-numbing or unbearable, there are some at-home treatments you can try. These include resting your foot and possibly applying an ice pack to relieve swelling or inflammation. You can also take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen or aspirin.

You should also consider the shoes you are wearing. If you have not replaced your athletic or walking shoes in some time or they are ill-fitting, it may be time for a new pair. You can also get extra support from heel pads purchased at a drugstore. Always wear your shoes as going barefoot puts extra stress and pressure on your plantar fascia.

While these steps are typically enough to relieve heel pain, exceptions always exist. When you schedule an appointment at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, we can evaluate your foot to determine potential causes for your heel pain. While interventions vary, they can include special assistive devices, such as a night splint, removable cast for walking, orthotic devices or padding and strapping the foot to promote proper positioning.

Surgery is a rare occurrence for those with heel pain. Through medical interventions, we can typically help you find relief.

For more information on steps you can take to relieve heel pain, call our podiatrist’s office.