Common Causes of Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are one of the most common overuse injuries we see in our patients at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers. However, unlike acute fractures, stress fractures can be less obvious and take longer to develop and diagnose. Knowing what commonly causes stress fractures can help identify them and get you the treatment you need sooner.


What are stress fractures?

Stress fractures are small cracks in the bone. They frequently develop in the second and third metatarsal bones, which is the area that sustains a lot of impact when you walk, run, or push off with your foot. Stress fractures can result in pain, especially with physical activity, tenderness, bruising, and swelling. Pain usually subsides with rest.


What causes stress fractures?

Stress fractures are very common overuse injuries that are the result of high-impact or repetitive movements. It is therefore extremely common in athletes who engage in running, such as soccer and basketball, as well as dancers.


  • Sudden increase in activity - Stress fractures can develop when you increase the intensity of repetitive movements so much that your bones and muscles do not have adequate time to heal.

  • Changing surfaces - If you switch from running on a treadmill to running on a trail or outdoor pavement, it can change the impact on your feet and can cause injury.

  • Weak bones - Did you know that stress fractures are more common during the winter months? This is the time of year when people become deficient in vitamin D, which plays an important role in bone health.

  • Poor technique - When the way your foot moves or hits the ground is incorrect, or affected by underlying foot mechanics issues like bunions or hammertoes, a stress fracture can develop.

  • Improper shoes - If your feet are not properly supported, whether it’s from old or ill-fitting shoes, they are unable to sustain the repetitive impact of your physical activity.


Contact a podiatrist

If you are experiencing foot pain and can identify with any of these causes, it could be a sign that you have a stress fracture. In that case, it’s important to seek professional help from a podiatrist to get treatment right away. While stress fractures may not seem to be as serious as acute fractures, they can cause long term pain and damage if not properly treated. At Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, our team of dedicated doctors are experts in diagnosing and treating a wide range of foot and ankle issues, from sports injuries and foot deformities, to routine diabetic care and toenail problems. The most important thing is to reach out when you sense that something is not right! Contact any of our offices located in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro, CA to schedule an appointment!