3 Nerve Conditions that Affect the Feet

When you experience foot pain, the first thing you may suspect is that it’s from a bruise, a sprain, or an injury to the muscles or tendons. However, an often forgotten source of pain and discomfort are the nerves in your feet. Nerves are what help us with sensation, so they are an important consideration when it comes to foot pain! Here are 3 common nerve conditions that our podiatrists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers treat.


Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

The tarsal tunnel is an area located on the inner ankle formed by the ankle bone and band of ligaments where many tendons, blood vessels, and nerves run through towards the front of the foot. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when pressure or trauma results in the compression of the nerves that run through the tarsal tunnel, leading to tingling, burning, numbness, and pain along the soles and the ankle area. Treatments include medications, braces, orthotics, and surgery.



Neuromas form when a nerve thickens from constant pressure, causing pain, burning, and tingling in the ball of the foot. The most common form, which affects the nerves between the third and fourth toes, is called Morton’s neuroma. Treatments typically include changing footwear or modifying activity, medications, injection therapies, and surgery.



When nerves are damaged from trauma, diabetes, infections, metabolic issues, nutritional deficiencies, or exposure to toxins, neuropathy can occur. The most common forms include:

  • Alcoholic neuropathy - Continued alcohol consumption can damage nerves in the body, especially in the extremities, which can lead to loss of sensation. While treatments can help, the most important is to address the underlying cause.

  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy - High blood glucose levels from diabetes can lead to nerve damage as well. Pain, burning, tingling, and loss of sensation are common symptoms of neuropathy, which is why it is important to perform daily foot checks in order to prevent other complications like infections and ulcers. Regular visits to the podiatrist are crucial for people with diabetes, as neuropathy is extremely common.


While foot and ankle conditions that affect muscles and other tissues are easily detected, nerve problems can often take time to notice and treat. Knowing the signs of these nerve problems are important in making sure you get the treatment you need as early as possible to minimize damage.


Partner with our foot doctors

At Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, our experienced board-certified podiatrists, Dr. Eric Feit, Dr. Alona Kashanian, and Dr. Roohbaksh Maher, have the advanced tools and treatments to properly diagnose and treat nerve problems. If diabetes is the underlying issue, they work closely with you to ensure the best foot care routines and outcomes. From conservative therapies to surgical procedures, we can guarantee you will get high-quality foot and ankle care. Schedule an appointment at any of our locations in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro by contacting us online.