10 Facts You Didn't Know About Your Feet

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How often do you think about your feet? Like really consider what they do for us each and every day? Chances are, not much! So this post is dedicated to all of our feet that do so much to help us move and get through our days! 

Here are some fascinating facts about your feet that you probably didn’t know! 

  1. Nearly a quarter of all of the bones in our body is in our feet! Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments, all of which work together to support our entire body weight!

  2. Most people have one foot that is larger than the other. That is why it is important to try on both feet before purchasing new shoes!

  3. Women are at higher risk of developing foot and ankle issues. The most frequent culprit? Heels and other footwear that can wreak havoc on the feet!

  4. Your feet don’t stop maturing until you are about 21 years old.

  5. An average person takes about 8,000 steps in a day! If you think about how many steps you take a year, that is a lot of mileage!

  6. Your feet have about 8,000 nerves in your feet! So if you’re especially ticklish in your feet, that’s a good sign!

  7. You have a total of about 250,000 sweat glands in your feet! 2-3% of Americans have hyperhidrosis, the condition where you sweat excessively.

  8. Your feet tend to swell in the afternoon. That is why we recommend trying on and purchasing shoes later in the day!

  9. Your feet absorb a total force of about 26,000 pounds a day. That’s equivalent to the weight of 2 elephants! When you wear 2.5 inch heels, this force increases by 75%.

  10. Your feet can tell you a lot about your health. Often, problems in your feet can be the first sign of a more serious health problem.

 How many of these facts were new to you?

Your feet literally support you everyday, so feet deserve your care and support! Our podiatrists can tell you much more about ways to improve your foot health and address any issues that may come up. Research shows that 75% of Americans experience a foot or ankle issue during their lives, so everyone can benefit from having regular checkups with a podiatrist.

Want to know more?

If you have foot or ankle concerns, including heel paininjuriesbunions, or or you want to know more fascinating facts about your feet, schedule an appointment with our foot care specialists at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers today! Dr. Eric M. Feit and his team of podiatrists deliver high-quality care for each and every foot! Contact our offices in Los Angeles, San Pedro, and Torrance, CA today!