Getting Back on Your Feet After an Injury

Returning to an exercise routine can be daunting after a lengthy time away from it - especially if an injury or illness is why you’ve been taking a break. It might feel like the last thing on your mind as your body works on recovering. It’s important to ease into things and start slow, but not continuing a regimen can dampen your spirits and have adverse effects on your body. For many people, exercise can actually help their body recover!


Chat with your doctor

Before starting up exercise again, you should first check in with your doctor. Your general practitioner is a great place to start, especially if you’ve been working with them throughout your injury or illness. They can help you find more specialized care - like physical therapists - if needed and they know the rest of your medical history.


Ask all the questions

Doctors are busy, but they always have time for their patients’ questions. Never be afraid to ask questions or to ask multiple doctors the same questions. No one knows more than you what your body is going through, so take note of things and let your health providers know.


Take it slow

When you're restarting a tried and true routine, it can be tempting to jump right back into it. However, if your body is working to recover, it’s important to start slow. A gentle walk is a great way to start. Swimming is another common workout for people in recovery as it takes off pressure from your joints.


Stretch and warmup

Even if you’re still in the “starting slow” phase and you don’t feel like you’re using your body in taxing ways like weight lifting, yoga, or team sports, it’s important to warm up and cool down. Gentle stretches and deep breathing exercises help your muscles and ligaments get ready and help restore a healthy heart rate and blood pressure.


Listen to your body

Even if you’re feeling great, it’s important to stick to the model of ramping up slowly. It may be frustrating going slowly if you’re used to sprinting, but you’re helping your body get to that point again. Jumping in to do too much too soon can exhaust your body and put you right back where you started.


Eat well, sleep well, & hydrate

Your doctor might have a particular recovery diet for you or want you to discuss your condition with a nutritionist to make sure you’re on the right path and getting the nutrients your body needs. Keeping your body well-rested and well-hydrated will ensure you have energy to heal, recover, and hit your routine again.


Keep your feet and ankles healthy

If you are dealing with a foot or ankle injury, it’s important to work closely with a podiatrist who can help you. At Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, our talented team of foot doctors can help you get back on your feet. Not only is it important to address the injury well, but it’s also imperative to work with foot doctors like Dr. Eric Feit, Dr. Alona Kashanian, and Dr. Roohbakhsh Maher, who can guide you through the recovery process.


Book an appointment by contacting any of our locations in Los Angeles, Torrance, and San Pedro today!